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Touhou - Manatsu no Nigate Kokufuku Kyoushitsu!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Manatsu no Nigate Kokufuku Kyoushitsu!! (Doujinshi)

真夏の苦手克服教室!! / Touhou - Classes for Those Bad With Summer!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Kinou made no Dougyou ga Kyou wa Star ni Natte Iru!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Kinou made no Dougyou ga Kyou wa Star ni Natte Iru!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Kinou made no Dougyou ga Kyou wa Star ni Natte Iru!! / Touhou dj - Yesterday’s Rival Is Today’s Star!! / 昨日までの同業が今日はスターになっている!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - We'll Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

Touhou - We'll Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

素敵な出会いを演出します!! / Touhou Project dj - Suteki na Deai o Enshutsu Shimasu!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Doujinshi,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! (Doujinshi)

あなたとの手のつなぎ方! / Touhou dj - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! / Touhou dj - How to Hold Your Hand!! / Touhou dj - Как держать твою руку!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Inochi Nagakutomo koi Seyo Otome!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Inochi Nagakutomo koi Seyo Otome!! (Doujinshi)

命長くとも恋せよ乙女!! / Touhou dj - Even if Life Isn't Short, Fall in Love, Little Girl!! / Touhou dj - Inochi Nagakutomo koi Seyo Otome!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - What Fits You Best!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - What Fits You Best!! (Doujinshi)

あなたにいちばん似合うもの!! / Touhou dj - What Fits You Best!!
millet soup / kibi satou
Chapter 0
Touhou - Kore ga Watashi no Librarian!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Kore ga Watashi no Librarian!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou Project dj - Kore ga Watashi no Toshokanin (Librarian)!! / Touhou Project dj - Kore ga Watashi no Toshokanin!! / Touhou Project dj - This Is My Librarian!! / 東方Project dj - これが私の図書館員!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - Koakuma-san Goshimei Irimashita!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Koakuma-san Goshimei Irimashita!! (Doujinshi)

あなたとの手のつなぎ方! / Touhou dj - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! / Touhou dj - How to Hold Your Hand!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! / Touhou dj - Kininaru Kimini Kikukusuri!! / 気になるキミに効くクスリ!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!! (Doujinshi)

とある紅魔の目玉焼き!! / Touhou dj - A Certain Scarlet Devil’s Sunny-Side-Up Eggs!! / Touhou dj - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Ano Subarashii Kiri o Mouichido!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Ano Subarashii Kiri o Mouichido!! (Doujinshi)

あのすばらしい霧をもう一度!! / Touhou - That Wonderful Mist Once Again!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Hito to Ifuji wa Hito to Hito ga Sasae Atsute Unnun!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Hito to Ifuji wa Hito to Hito ga Sasae Atsute Unnun!! (Doujinshi)

人といふ字は人と人が支えあって云々!! / Touhou dj - They Say That the Kanji for Person Also Means Two Persons Supporting Each Other!! / Touhou dj- Hito to Ifuji wa Hito to Hito ga Sasae Atsute Unnun!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

サンタが暮れにやってくる!! / Touhou dj - Santa Comes Tonight!! / Touhou dj - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! (Doujinshi)

🇷🇺Touhou - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! (Doujinshi)

あなたとの手のつなぎ方! / Touhou dj - Anata To No Te No Tsunagikata!! / Touhou dj - How to Hold Your Hand!! / Touhou dj - Как держать твою руку!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Kazetooshi Yoi Shokuba desu! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Kazetooshi Yoi Shokuba desu! (Doujinshi)

風通しの良い職場です! / Touhou - Well Ventilated Workplace!!
millet soup / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - Kouma no Kyuujitsu!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Kouma no Kyuujitsu!! (Doujinshi)

紅魔の休日!! / Touhou dj - Kouma no Kyuujitsu!! / Touhou dj - Scarlet Devil's Day Off!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou Project dj - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!!

Touhou Project dj - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!!

東方Project dj - 世界でいちばんお姉さま!! / Touhou Project dj - World' / s #1 Onee-sama!!
millet soup / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - Koakuma-san Goshimei Irimashita!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Koakuma-san Goshimei Irimashita!! (Doujinshi)

小悪魔さん ご指名入リました!! / Touhou dj - Koakuma Was Nominated!! / Touhou dj - Koakuma-san Goshimei Irimashita!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! / 気になるキミに効くクスリ!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Ki ni Naru Kimi ni Kiku Kusuri!!!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Effective Medicine for the Worrisome You!! / Touhou dj - Kininaru Kimini Kikukusuri!! / 気になるキミに効くクスリ!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - We'll Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Touhou - We'll Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

素敵な出会いを演出します!! / Touhou Project dj - Suteki na Deai o Enshutsu Shimasu!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Doujinshi,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Kazetooshi Yoi Shokuba desu!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Kazetooshi Yoi Shokuba desu!! (Doujinshi)

風通しの良い職場です!! / Touhou - Well Ventilated Workplace!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

サンタが暮れにやってくる!! / Touhou dj - Santa Comes Tonight!! / Touhou dj - Santa ga Kure ni Yatte Kuru!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Touhou - Ima, Anata no Tonari ni Iru no!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Ima, Anata no Tonari ni Iru no!! (Doujinshi)

今、あなたのとなりにいるの!! / Touhou dj - I'm Currently by Your Side!! / Touhou dj - Ima, Anata no Tonari ni Iru no!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Tensai wa Wasureta Koro ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Tensai wa Wasureta Koro ni Yatte Kuru!! (Doujinshi)

天才は忘れた頃にやってくる!! / Touhou - A Genius Comes When You Least Expect!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Chef Remilia’s Cooking Will Make You Happy!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Chef Remilia’s Cooking Will Make You Happy!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Chef Remilia’s Cooking Will Make You Happy!! / Touhou dj - Chef Remilia’s Cooking Will Make You Happy!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Futari de Yukidaruma o Tsukurou! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Futari de Yukidaruma o Tsukurou! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Futari de Yukidaruma o Tsukurou! / Touhou dj - Let’s Make a Snowman Together!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou Project dj - Sekai de Ichiban Onee-sama!! / Touhou Project dj - World's #1 Onee-sama!! / Touhou Project dj - World's #1 Oneesama!! / Touhou Project dj - World's Number One Onee-sama!! / Touhou Project dj - World's Number One Oneesama!! / 東方Project dj - 世界でいちばんお姉さま!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Chapter 0
Touhou - Aneja no Okurimono!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Aneja no Okurimono!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Aneja no Okurimono!! / Touhou - Occasional Sisterly Gifts!! / Touhou dj - Aneja no Okurimono!! / Touhou dj - Occasional Sisterly Gifts!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Doujinshi,Comedy,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Well Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Well Perform a Wonderful Encounter (Doujinshi)

millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Doujinshi,Fantasy,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Touhou - Sakuya-san Shutsuen Kimarimashita!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Sakuya-san Shutsuen Kimarimashita!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou Project dj - Sakuya-san Shutsuen Kimarimashita!! / Touhou Project dj - Sakuya-san's Appearance Has Been Decided!! / 東方Project dj - 咲夜さん 出演 決まりました!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Doujinshi,Comedy,Shoujo ai
Chapter 0
Touhou - Anata ni Ichiban Niaumono!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Anata ni Ichiban Niaumono!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou dj - Anata ni Ichiban Niaumono!! / あなたにいちばん似合うもの!! / Touhou dj - What Fits You Best!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Chapter 0
Touhou - Hito to Ifuji wa Hito to Hito ga Sasae Atsute Unnun!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Hito to Ifuji wa Hito to Hito ga Sasae Atsute Unnun!! (Doujinshi)

人といふ字は人と人が支えあって云々!! / Touhou dj - They Say That the Kanji for Person Also Means Two Persons Supporting Each Other!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!! (Doujinshi)

とある紅魔の目玉焼き!! / Touhou dj - A Certain Scarlet Devil’s Sunny-Side-Up Eggs!! / Touhou dj - To Aru Kouma no Medamayaki!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Chapter 0
Touhou - Suteki na Asa no Hajimari wa!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Suteki na Asa no Hajimari wa!! (Doujinshi)

素敵な朝のはじまりは! / Touhou dj - A Wonderful Morning Starts With!! / Touhou dj - Suteki na Asa no Hajimari wa!!
millet soup (circle) / satou kibi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Touhou - Choco Yori mo Nao Amaki Mono!! (Doujinshi)

Touhou - Choco Yori mo Nao Amaki Mono!! (Doujinshi)

チョコよりもなお甘きもの!! / Something Even Sweeter Than Chocolate!! / Touhou - Choco Yori mo Nao Amaki Mono!! / Touhou - Something Even Sweeter Than Chocolate!! / Touhou dj - Choco Yori mo Nao Amaki Mono!! / Touhou dj - Something Even Sweeter Than Chocolate!!
millet soup (circle) / kibi satou
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 0